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A種乾電池,電池 A Battery
A柱 A pole
A電源 A power supply
A1變態〔金相學〕 A transformation
高射砲 A..A.Gun, Anti Aircraft Gun
美國汽車協會 A.A.A., American Automobile Association
交流電 A.C., Alternating Current
交流電弧 A.C.arc
交流均壓機 A.C.balancer
交流電橋 A.C.bridge
交流迴路 A.C.circuit
交流整流電動機 A.C.commutator motor
交直流兩用受信機 A.C.-D.C.receiver
交流配電 A.C.distrubution
交流溶接機 A.C.welder
美國標準學會 A.N.S.I.(American National Standard Institute)
美國機械工程學會 A.S.M.E.(American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
美國材料試驗協會 A.S.T.M.(American Society for Testing Materials)
10安培(CGS電磁單位) abampere
10庫侖(CGS電磁單位) abconlomb
像差 aberration
10-9法拉(CGS電磁單位) abfarad
10-9亨利(CGS電磁單位) abhenry
異常網 abnormal steel
異常組織 abnormal structure
異常電壓 abnormal voltage
10-9歐姆(CGS電磁單位) abohm
磨料 abradant
磨耗 abrasion
耐磨 abrasion proof
耐磨性 abrasion resistance
磨耗試驗 abrasion test
磨耗試驗機 abrasion tester
磨耗 abrasion wear
耐磨合金 abrasion-resistant alloy
磨帶 abrasive belt
砂布 abrasive cloth
磨切機,砂輪切斷機 abrasive cut-off machine
磨切鋸 abrasive cut-off saw
磨切輪 abrasive cutting wheel
磨塵 abrasive dust
抗磨硬度 abrasive hardness
抗磨硬度試驗機 abrasive hardness tester
砂紙 abrasive paper
磨料粉 abrasive powder
磨石 abrasive stone
磨耗試驗幾 abrasive wear machine
磨輪 abrasive wheel
磨料,摩擦物 abrasives (grinding material)
離心噴光幾 abrator
橫坐標 abscissa
絕對加速度 absolute acceleration
純酒精 absolute alcohol
絕對高度表 absolute altimeter
絕對高度 absolute altitude
絕對安培 absolute ampere
絕對大氣壓 absolute atmosphere
絕對閉塞號誌 absolute block signal
絕對升限(航空) absolute ceiling
絕對系數 absolute coefficient
絕對常數 absolute constant
絕對效率 absolute efficiency
絕對誤差 absolute error
絕對濕度 absolute humidity
絕對焦耳 absolute joule
絕對千瓦 absolute kilowatt
絕對運動 absolute motion
無名數 absolute number
絕對歐姆 absolute ohm
絕對動路 absolute path
絕對實用單位 absolute practical unit
絕對壓力 absolute pressure
絕對靜止 absolute rest
絕對旋轉 absolute rotation
絕對溫標 absolute scale of temperature
絕對速率 absolute speed
絕對制 absolute system
絕對制單位 absolute system of unit
絕對溫度 absolute temperature
絕對單位 absolute unit
絕對真空 absolute vacuum
絕對值 absolute value
絕對速度 absolute velocity
絕對黏度 absolute viscosity
絕對伏特 absolute volt
絕對容積 absolute volume
絕對〔瓦特〕 absolute watt
絕對零度 absolute zero
絕對零度(-273°) absolute zero-point
吸收能 absorbed energy
吸收劑 absorbent
吸收器,吸收體 absorber
吸收迴路 absorbing circuit, absorption circuit
吸收線圈 absorbing coil
吸收管 absorbing duct
吸收能力 absorbing power, absorptive power
吸收 absorption
吸收帶 absorption band
吸收系數 absorption coefficient
吸收式測功p absorption dynamometer
吸收因素 absorption factor
吸收式濕度計 absorption hygrometer
吸收式冷凍機 absorption machine
吸收冷凍機 absorption refrigerator
吸收光譜 absorption specturm
吸收式系統 absorption system
吸收試驗 absorption test
吸收裝置 absorption train
吸收率 absorptivity
存在比(物理) abundance ratio
多油潤滑 abundant lubrication
絕對伏特,10-8伏〔特〕(CGS電磁單位) abvolt
絕對伏特,10-7瓦)電力CGS電磁單位) abwatt
加速時效 accelerated aging
促進老化試驗 accelerated aging test
加速通風 accelerated draft, accelerated draught
加速運動 accelerated motion
加速電極 accelerating  electrode, acceleration electrode
加速潛變 accelerating creep
加速力 accelerating force
加速泵 accelerating pump
加速燃料室 accelerating well
加速度 acceleration
重力加速度 acceleration of gravity
加速度中心 acceleration pole
加速度多邊形 acceleration polygon
加速阻力 acceleration resistance
加速度試驗 acceleration test
絕對加速度 acceleration, absolute
角加速度 acceleration, angular
軸向加速度分量 acceleration, axial component of
加速度分量 acceleration, component of
柯式加速度 acceleration, Coriolis
線加速度 acceleration, linear
法線加速度 acceleration, normal
幅向加速度 acceleration, radial
相對加速度 acceleration, relative
補充加速度 acceleration, supplementary
加速電極 acceleration,electrode
加速度像 acceleration,image
切線加速度 acceleration,tangential
等加速度 acceleration,uniform
變加速度 acceleration,variable
加速器 accelerator
速硬劑 accelerator of hardening
加速踏板(汽車) accelerator pedal
加速桿 accelerator rod
加速度計 accelerometer
合格品質水準 acceptable quality level, A.Q.L.
驗收量規 acceptance gage, acceptance gauge
驗收檢驗 acceptance inspection
合格線 acceptance line
合格數 acceptance number
驗收試驗 acceptance test
合格品質水準 accepted product
檢修門 access door
附件 accesseries, accessory
可及性 accessibility
附件 accessory agent
溶礦爐 accetion
意外事故 accident
意外事故保險 accident insurance
意外事故報告 accident report
意外雜誌系統 accident signaling system
偶發誤差 accidental eeror
居住甲板 accomodation deck
舷梯 accomodation ledder
蓄積原理 accumulation principle (storage principle)
蓄壓器,蓄電池,積蓄器 accumulator
精度,準確度 accuracy
乙炔 acetylene
乙炔發生器 acetylene generator
乙炔熔接 acetylene welding
針狀組織 acicular structure
酸性柏思麥轉爐法 acid Bessemer process
酸性火磚 acid brick
酸性電爐法 acid electric furnace process
酸值,酸價 acid number, acid value
酸性平爐法 acid open-hearth process
耐酸 acid proof
酸性耐火材料 acid refractory material
耐酸合金 acid resisting alloy
耐酸銅 acid resisting steel
酸度 acidity
愛克姆螺紋 acme screw thread
蓋恔陷U acorn nut
聲學 acoustics
測音計 acoustimeter
螺釘頭槽銑刀,螺紋銑刀 acre slotting cutter
作用齒腹 acting flank
作用範圓(齒輪) acting pitch circle
錒 Actinium (Ac)
感光測繪儀 actinograph
陽起石 actinolite
光量計 actinometer
作用,動作,主動力,作用量 action
作用量子 action quantum
作用變數 action variable
作用角 action, angle of
作用弧 action, arc of
作用斜度 action, obliquity
活性礬土 activated alumina
活性碳 activated carbon
活性復合體,活性錯合物 activated complex
活性能 activated energy
活性碳 active carbon
動子 active cell
活性炭 active charcoal
有效線圈 active coil
活性錯合物 active complex
有效分力 active component
有效電流 active current
有效電力 active power
實際氣體 actual gas
實際坡度 actual grade
實際馬力 actual horsepower
實際升力,實際升程 actual lift
實際負載法 actual load method
實際負載試驗 actual loading test
實際蒸汽消耗率 actual steam rate
實際斜厚(熔接) actual throat
引動機構 actuating mechanism
動作號誌 actuating signal
引動器 actuator
銳角 acute angle
銳角三角形 acute-angle triangle, acute triangle
硬質金屬彎頭 adamant bend
金剛石鑽頭 adamantine drill
適合性 adaptability
接頭,配合件 adapter
接裝板 adapter plate
接裝套筒 adapter sleeve
黏結劑 add binder
黏結劑 add bond
加重計演算法 added weight method
齒冠 addendum
齒冠圓 addendum circle
齒冠線 addendum line
加算機 adding mahcine
添加劑 addition agent
補助桿 addition bar
位址(電子計算機) address
附著力,黏著力(鐵路) adhesion
黏著系數 adhesion coefficient
黏著試驗 adhesion test
黏著重量 adhesion weight
附著劑 adhesive agent, adhesive material
黏著力 adhesive force, adhesive power
附著性,黏著性 adhesive property
附著強度 adhesive strength
附著應力 adhesive stress
膠帶 adhesive tape
黏著牽引力 adhesive tractive force (power)
黏著劑 adhesives
絕熱 adiabatic
絕熱變化 adiabatic change
絕熱壓縮 adiabatic compression
絕熱曲線 adiabatic curve (line)
絕熱效率 adiabatic efficiency
絕熱彈性 adiabatic elasticity
絕熱平衡 adiabatic equilibrium
絕熱蒸發 adiabatic evaporation
絕熱膨脹 adiabatic expansion
絕熱流動 adiabatic flow
絕熱不變性 adiabatic invariance
絕熱位 adiabatic potential
絕對過程 adiabatic process
絕對飽和 adiabatic saturation
A數字選擇器 A-digit selector
A數字開關 A-digit switch
鄰角(幾) adjacent angle
鄰齒周節誤差 adjacent pitch error
調整螺釘 adjust screw
可調整軸承 adjustable bearing
可調整葉片 adjustable blade
調整閘塊 adjustable brake block
可調整凝結塊 adjustable condenser
自由曲線規 adjustable curve, adjustable ruler
活配鑽機 adjustable drilling machine
可調整偏心輪 adjustable eccentric
可調整量規 adjustable gage, adjustable (gauge)
可調整導業 adjustable guide vane
活動丁字尺 adjustable head T-square
可調整螺距(航空,造船) adjustable pitch
可調整螺距螺旋槳 adjustable pitch propeller
可調整絞刀 adjustable reamer
可調整扣件 adjustable retainer
可調整圓形開口螺模 adjustable round split die
可調整套炳絞刀 adjustable shell reamer
可調整卡規 adjustable snap gage, adjustable snap (guage)
變速電動機 adjustable speed motor
可調整彈簧軸環 adjustable spring collar
可調整螺絲攻 adjustable tap
可調整止推軸承 adjustable thrust block
可調整止推軸頭 adjustable thrust joural
可調整趾片(凸輪) adjustable toe piece
可調整電壓發電機 adjustable voltage generator
活動板鉗 adjustable wrench
調整具 adjuster
調整 adjusting
調整塊 adjusting block
調整螺栓 adjusting bolt
調整裝置 adjusting device
調整機構 adjusting gear
調整機構 adjusting mechanism
調整針 adjusting needle
調整螺帽 adjusting nut
調整面 adjusting plane
調整板 adjusting plate
調整環 adjusting ring
調整桿 adjusting rod
調整螺釘 adjusting screw
調整彈簧 adjusting spring
調整表格 adjusting table
調整 閥 adjusting valve
調整楔 adjusting wedge
調整輪 adjusting wheel
管理成本 adminstration cost
海軍黃銅 admiralty brass
海軍砲銅 admiralty gun metal
進氣,進汽 admission
進氣消音器 admission air silencer
進氣凸輪 admission cam
進氣路 admission passage
進氣管 admission pipe
進氣(汽)口 admission port
進汽(氣)衝程 admission stroke
進汽(氣)閥 admission valve
進氣(汽)點 admission, point of
攙加物 admixture
吸著劑 adsorbent
吸著器 adsorber
吸著 adsorption
吸著平衡 adsorption equilibrium
吸著指數 adsorption exponent
吸著等壓線 adsorption isobar
吸著等溫線 adsorption isotherm
吸著勢位 adsorption potential
吸著質 adsorptive
冰長石 adularia
提早,先期 advance
提早角,導角(彈道) advance angle
前進係數 advance coefficient
前進常數 advance constant
提前控制 advance control
事前估計值 advance estimate
進行率 advance ratio
提早發火 advanced fire
提早點火 advanced ignition
提早點火器 advanced ignitor
提早噴射 advanced injection
提早勢位 advanced potential
提早火花 advanced spark
提早起動閥 advanced starting valve
提前定時 advanced timing
進入側(熱機) advancing side
皮帶進入側 advancing side of belt
前進波 advancing wave
扁斧 adze
汽轉球 aeolipile
鬆砂(鑄造) aerating the sand
充氣法 aeration
充氣期間 aeration period
通氣槽 aeration tank
通氣塔 aeration tower
充氣器,鬆砂機 aerator
天線 aerial
架空索道 aerial cable way
架空輸送機 aerial convevor
空中放電 aerial discharge
雲梯 aerial ladder
架空鐵路 aerial railway
架空索道 aerial ropeway
架空車道 aerial tramway
滑翔學 aerodonetics
飛行場 aerodrome
速度表 aerodromometer
空氣動力平均 aerodynamic balance
空氣動力學 aerodynamics
飛車 aerodyne
航空力動機 aeroengine
空氣力學 aeromechanics
量氣計,氣體比重計 aerometer
量氣學 aerometry
航空工程 aeronautical engineering
航空學 aeronautics
飛機 aeroplane
飛機發動機 aeroplane engine
航空螺旋槳 aero-propeller
煙塵(空中之液態或固態懸浮物) aerosol
油霧式潤滑器 aerosol type lubricator
空氣靜力學 aerostaitcs
浮航 aerostation
航空輪機 aero-turbine
後部居室(船 aft cabin
船尾發動機 aft engine
後烘 after baking
後期吹風 after blow
後燃燒 after burning
後期吹風(轉爐) after flow
艉材外板 after hood plating
後期點火 after ignition
餘震 after shock
後期收縮 after shrinkage
後處理 after treatment
後段加速 after-acceleration
後艉(船) after-body
後燃器 after-burner
後部凝結器 after-condenser
後壓冷卻器 after-cooler
艉力材(船) after-deadwood
艉甲板 after-deck
艉契水 after-draft
後發火 after-fire
延遲發生(熔接) after-generation
艉貨倉 after-hold
後艉梔桿 after-mast
艉尖倉 after-peak
艉艙壁 after-peak bulkhead
艉艙 after-peak tank
艉水艙,船尾 after-peak water tank
時效硬化 age hardening
船齡 age of vessel
老化防止劑 age resister
老化試驗 ageing test, aging test
聚集體,碎石(船)累積 aggregate
沙石採集機 aggregate collector
聚集組合(金相) aggregate combinations
時效,老化 aging
攪拌,攪動 agitation
攪拌器,攪動器 agitator
攪拌器卡車 agitator-body truck
無方位角線 agonic line
農業工程 agricultural engineering
農業機械 agricultural machinery
農用曳引車 agricultural tractor
正車凸輪 ahead cam
正車動力(船) ahead power
正車(船) ahead stage
前進汽輪機(船) ahead turbine
副翼 aileron
副翼反效應 aileron reversal
逆流 ailp back
瞄準 aim
空氣,氣 air
空氣蓄壓劑 air accumulater
氣動攪拌器,氣動攪動器 air agitator
管頭金屬件(空氣兼注水用) air and filling pipe head
測探兼用空氣管 air and sounding pipe
氣囊 air bag
空氣浴 air bath
空氣軸承 air bearing
風箱(熔鐵盧) air belt
氣結 air binding
鼓風 air blast
空氣分供 air bleed
空氣分供管 air bleeder
鼓風機 air blower
氣障 air bond
空中探勘 air borne survey
氣瓶,壓縮空氣瓶 air bottle
氣障 air bound
風箱(熔鐵盧) air box
風韌;氣軔車 air brake
氣煞 air bruck
氣泡 air bubble
空氣緩衝器 air buffler
噴燈 air burner
空氣室 air cell
空氣室 air chamber
風道 air channel
空氣閥(氣化器) air choke valve
空氣遮斷器 air circuit breaker
空氣環流 air circulation
氣力夾 air clamp
氣力分級器 air classifier
空氣清潔器 air cleaner
空氣濾清器,濾素 air cleaner filter element
氣旋塞 air cock
空氣柱 air column
空氣比測儀 air comparator
空氣房 air compartment
空氣壓縮 air compression
空氣壓縮機 air compressor
空氣凝結器 air condenser
空氣調節器 air conditioner
空氣調節 air conditioning
空氣調節設備 air conditioning equipment
空氣調節機 air conditioning unit
空氣導管 air conduit
空氣消耗量 air consumption
空氣儲槽 air container
空氣控制 air control
風量節制記錄器 air control register
氣冷 air cooled
氣冷式發動機 air cooled moter
氣冷閥 air cooled valve
空氣冷卻器 air cooler
氣冷,氣冷法 air cooling
空氣散熱片 air cooling fin
氣冷系 air cooling system
空心 air core
風向 air course
交叉風路 air crossing
氣流 air current
空氣幕 air curtain
氣墊 air cushion
空氣循環 air cycle
氣缸,風缸 air cylinder
通氣遮斷壁 air dam
風擋 air damper
空氣阻尼 air damping
排氣量 air displacement
空氣分配器 air distributor
空氣包 air dono
空氣門 air door
抽風 air draft
風乾煤 air dried coal
鼓風機風道 air drift
氣鑽 air drill
氣筒 air drum
空氣乾燥器,風乾器(鑄造) air dryer
導氣管 air duct
氣力衝射器 air ejector
風力分析機 air elutriator
動力機 air engine
排氣裝置 air escape
排氣器 air exhauster
空氣出口 air exit
空氣膨脹機(冷凍) air expander
空氣膨脹 air expansion
抽氣器 air extracter, air extractor
抽氣泵 air extracting pump
風扇 air fan
氣嘴 air fancet
空氣膜 air film
空氣過濾器 air filter
氣流,風量 air flow
氣道 air flue
泡沫消防系統 air foam system
機體(除飛機引擎之總稱) air frame
氣凍,氣凍法 air freezing
貨運飛機 air freighter
空氣摩擦 air friction
通風筒 air funnel
反射盧,空氣盧 air furnace
氣壓表,空氣量規 air gage, air gauge
空氣隙 air gap
氣門 air gate
空氣調速器 air governor
通風柵 air grate
氣動磨輪 air grinder
氣槍 air gun
氣槍槌 air hammer
風硬 air hardening
氣硬水泥 air hardening cement
風硬鋼 air hardening steel
通風坑(礦) air heading
空氣加熱器 air heater
氣力弔重機 air hoist
氣孔 air hole
通風柵 air hole grate
汽笛 air horn
空氣馬力 air horsepower
空氣軟管 air hose
充氣 air inflation
空氣噴射 air injection
空氣噴油發動機 air injection engine
空氣噴射器 air injector
進氣口 air inlet
進氣口消音器 air inlet silencer
進氣閥 air inlet valve
空氣絕緣 air insulation
進氣,進氣口,吸氣孔 air intake
空氣中間冷卻器 air inter-cooler
空氣逆流 air inversion
空氣千斤頂 air jack
空氣套 air jacket
空氣噴射,空氣噴流 air jet
漏氣 air leak, air leakage
漏氣計 air leakage meter
漏氣試驗 air leakage test
水平儀,通風坑道 air level
氣力揚升,空氣升力,氣升器 air lift
氣升泵 air lift pump
空氣管線 air line
氣障,氣閘 air lock
送風機(礦山用) air machine
空氣壓差計 air manometer
氣量表 air meter
空氣動力機 air motor
氣動弔重機 air motor hoist
氣壓複測校驗儀 air multi-check comparator
空氣噴嘴 air nozzle
氣動夾頭 air operated chuck
空氣出口,排氣口 air outlet
氣封 air packing
通氣道 air passage
透氣性 air permeability
透氣性實驗 air permeability test
空氣枕 air pillow
空氣管 air pipe
空氣管濾器 air pipe strainer, dust catcher
通風坑 air pit
空氣塞(入孔蓋^ air plug
空氣袋,氣穴 air pocket
通風口 air port
空氣預冷器 air precooler
空氣預熱器 air preheater
空氣壓力 air pressure
空氣壓力表 air pressure gage, air pressure gauge
空氣壓力試驗 air pressure test
氣密 air proof
空氣泵 air pump
空氣純度 air purity
空氣高溫計 air pyrometer
空氣淬火 air quenching
氣動搗桿(鑄造) air rammer
耗氣率(燃氣輪機) air rate
存氣箱 air receiver
空氣冷凍循環 air refrigeration cycle
空氣冷凍機 air refrigeration machine
風量紀錄器 air register
放器閥 air release valve
調風器 air requlator
空氣阻力 air resistance, wind resistance
氣動鑋石機 air rock drill
風鬥 air scoop
螺旋槳(航空) air screw
氣動清潔器 air scrubber
氣封 air seal
空氣搜索雷達 air search radar
風幹法 air seasoning
空氣分離器 air separator
空氣凝固法,常溫自硬(鑄造) air setting
通風井 air shaft
氣窗 air shutter
氣動號誌 air signal
空氣消音器 air silencer
氣隙,氣容積 air space
空氣速率,空速,風速(對空氣速度) air speed
風速計 air speed meter
空氣噴灑 air spray
空氣彈簧,氣墊 air spring
空氣標準 air standard
空氣標準循環 air standard cycle
空氣起動器 air starter
空氣濾器 air strainer
氣流 air stream
空氣吸管 air suction pipe
空氣漩渦 air swirl
封氣黏膠 air tack cement
氣箱 air tank
氣嘴 air tap
氣溫 air temperature
充氣試驗,氣壓試驗 air test
空氣試驗器 air tester
空氣溫度表 air thermometer
氣密 air tight
氣密度 air tightness
氣動工具 air tool
空中交通管制 air traffic control
空氣變壓器 air transformer
空穴 air trap
通氣幹道 air trunk
風洞 air tunnel
空氣輪機 air turbine
氣閥 air valve
儲氣器 air vessel
主風管 air wain
洗氣器 air washer
空氣清洗冷卻器 air washer and cooler
通風道 air way
風量控制儀 air weight controller
空氣笛 air whistle
周圍空氣 air, ambient
壓縮空氣 air, compressed
乾空氣 air, dry
過量空氣 air, excess
自由空氣 air, free
液態空氣 air, liquid
初級空氣,主給空氣 air, primary
次級空氣,副給空氣 air, secondary
理論空氣量 air, theoretical
空氣乙炔熔接 air-acetylene welding
氣動運送機 air-acitvated conveyer
空氣霧化燃燒器 air-atomizing burner
空氣噴射 air-blast  injection
空氣遮斷器 air-blast circuit breaker
鼓風淬火 air-blast quenching
氣泡水平儀 air-bubble level
氣冷式氣缸 air-cooled cylinder
氣冷式發動機 air-cooled engine
空心反映器 air-core reactor
空心變壓器 air-core transformer
航空器 aircraft
航空發動機 aircraft engine
風乾強度(鑄造) air-dried strength
風乾重量 air-dried weight
氣力傾卸車 air-dump car
風量計 air-flow meter
翼剖面 airfoil
空氣燃料比 air-fuel ratio
離心噴光機(鑄造) airless blast cleaner
無空氣噴射 airless injection
無空氣噴灑 airless spray
噴漆器 air-painter
飛機 airplane
飛機失事滅火車 airplane crash truck (fire equipment)
飛機發動機 airplane engine
飛機螺旋槳 airplane propeller
氣密〔的〕 airproof
風速指示器 air-speed indicator
走道 aisle
放水管 ajutage
警報 alarm
警鈴 alarm bell
警報電路 alarm circuit
警報器 alarm device
警報浮筒 alarm float
警報燈 alarm lamp
警報繼電器 alarm relay
警報信號 alarm signal
警報溫度計 alarm thermometer
警報閥 alarm valve
警報笛 alarm whistle
鍊金術 alchemy
鋁護面 alclad
酒精 alcohol
酒精水平儀 alcohol  level
酒精發動機 alcohol engine
酒精燈 alcohol lamp
酒精溫度計 alcohol thermometer
酒精比重計 alcoholometer
鋁德來(合金名) Aldrey
蒸餾鋁 alembic
阿美式潤滑 alemite lubrication
對準器 aligner
列線圖 alignment chart
對準,校準 alignment, alignment
鹼〔質〕 alkali
鹼金屬 alkali metals, alkaline metals
耐鹼 alkali proof
浸鹼試驗 alkali steeping test
鹼度計 alkalimeter
鹼性蓄電池 alkaline battery,alkaline storage batteries
鹼土金屬 alkaline earth metal
鹼度 alkalinity
耐鹼塗料 alkali-resisting paint
全日效率 all day efficiency
全齒輪傳動(工具機) all geared drive
全金屬磁電管 all metal magnetron
全域調速機 all range speed governor
全廢料鍊鋼法,全廢鋼法,(電氣制鋼法) all scrap process
阿蘭直動機構 allan straight link motion
合金 alligation
鱷口形剪 alligator shear
鱷齒板鉗 alligator wrench
兩棲裝甲車 alligator, Amphibian armored truck
全金屬(飛機) all-metal (air plane)
同素異性體 allotrope
同素變態再結晶 allotropic recrystallization
同素變態 allotropic transformation
同素變態點 allotropic transformation point
同素變態 allotropy
容許~差 allowable error
" allowable limit
容許i耗限度 allowable limit of wear"
容許t載 allowable load
容許ㄓO allowable pressure
容許酗O allowable stress
" allowable temperature
光制裕度 allowance for finish
收縮裕度 allowance for shrinkage
裕度 allowance"
合金 alloy
合金鑄鐵 alloy cast iron, alloyed cast iron
合金鐵 alloy iron
合金生鐵 alloy pig iron
合金鋼 alloy steel (alloyed steel)
合金鋼鑄件 alloy steel castings
合金鋼模 alloy steel dies
合金工具鋼 alloy tool steel
合金元素 alloying element
多能熟練工 all-round skilled labor
全鋼 all-steel
砂礦床 alluvial deposit
砂金 alluvial gold
全天候 all-weather
全天候航空器 all-weather aircraft
全熔接橋 all-weld bridge
熔著金屬〔試〕驗片 all-weld metal test specimen
全輪驅動車輛 all-wheel drive vehicles
鋁鎳鈷合金 Alnica
剛鋁石 Aloxite, Alundum
阿伐黃銅 alpha brass
阿伐青銅 alpha bronze
阿伐麻田散體 alpha martensite
阿伐粒子 alpha particle
阿伐放射性 alpha radioactivity
阿伐射線 alpha rays
阿伐加馬相 alpha-gamma phase
文數字 alphanumeris
阿伐鐵 alpht iron
錯綜結合 alternate joint (Broken joint)
交流電 alternating current
交流電弧熔接機 alternating current 〔arc〕welder
交流電整流器 alternating current rectifier
交流電系統(鐵路) alternating current system
交變負載 alternating load
交變負載(試驗) alternating load test
交變運動(熔接) alternating motion
交變量 alternating quantity
交變應力 alternating stress, alternating stress
交流變電機 alternator
高度計 altimeter
高度 altitude
亞鋁美爾 alumel
礬土(氧化鋁) alumina
鋁熱熔接法 alumino-thermic welding process
鋁合金 aluminum alloy
鋁黃銅 aluminum brass
鋼心鋁纜 aluminum cable, steel reinforced (steel reinforced aluminum cable, AC, SR)
鋁鑄鐵 aluminum cast iron
氧化鋁水泥 aluminum cement
鋁箔 aluminum foil
鋁金 aluminum gold
鋁粉漆(銀粉漆) aluminum paint
鋁焊料 aluminum solder
鋁鋼 aluminum steel
鋁管 aluminum tube
鋁線 aluminum wire
鋁矽青銅 aluminum-silicon bronze
鋼心鋁纜 aluminum-steel cable, aluminum cable, steel reinforced
剛鋁石 alundum
剛鋁石,金剛沙 alundum powder
混汞 amalgam
混汞盤 amalgamating-pan
混汞法 amalgamation process
A邊界 A-margin
琥珀燈 amber light
周圍溫度 ambient temperature
救護車 ambulance
美國機械工程學會 American Society of Mechanical Engineering, A.S.M.E.
美國材料試驗協會 American Society Testing materials, A.S.T.M
美過標準管螺紋 American standard pipe thread
美國標準螺紋 American standard screw thread
美國標準線號規 American standard wire gage
美國線號規 American wire gage, A.W.G.
船體中央部 amidship
安培計,電流計 ammeter, amperemeter
氨 ammonia
氨氣壓縮機 ammonia compressor
氨冷凍機 ammonia machine
銨滷 ammonium
氯化銨 ammonium chloride
硝銨炸藥 ammonium nitrate explosives
彈藥 ammunition
非碳 amorphous carbon
土壯石墨 amorphous graphite
安數(安培數) amperage
安培小時 ampere hour ampere-hour
安培計,電流錶 ampere meter, amperometer
安〔培〕 ampere, Amp
水陸兩用飛機 amphibian
水陸兩用汽車 amphibian car
水陸戰車 amphibian tank
放大,增幅 amplification
增幅率 amplification factor
放大器,增幅器 amplifier
振幅,幅度 amplitude
振幅調節 amplitude modulation
安斯拉萬能試驗計 amsler universal testing machine
方沸石 analcite
類比計算機 analog computor
分析 analysis
解析函數 analytic function
解析幾何 analytic geometry, analylical geometry
化學天平 analytical balance
解析法 analytical method
分析器 analyzer
錨,固定器 anchor
固定塊 anchor block
固定螺栓,底腳螺栓 anchor bolt
絞錨機 anchor capstan
錨鏈 anchor chain ( A anchor line )
錨形擒縱器 anchor escapement
錨機 anchor gear
錨形鎚 anchor hammer
錨擋板 anchor lining
固定板 anchor plate
固定螺椿 anchor stud
繫留塔及閘 anchor tower and gate
風速記錄儀 anemometer
風速計 anemometer
風向計 anemoscope
無液氣壓計 aneroid barometer
角 angle
角塊 angle block
斜撐 angle brack
斜撐架 angle bracket, end wall bracket
角接搭片 angle butt strip
角旋塞 angle cock
角鐵切割機 angle cutter
轉交傳動法 angle drive
彎頭 angle fitting
角鐵凸緣器 angle flnager
角度規 angle gauge, angle pieces
角齒輪 angle gear
角形球閥 angle globe valve
角鐵剪切機 angle iron shear ( angle shear )
角鐵條 angle iron stay ( angle stay )
角鐵 angle iron, angle bar
斜接 angle joint
測角器 angle meter
作用角 angle of action
提早角 angle of advance
加力角 angle of application
漸進角 angle of approach
衝角( 航空 ),落彈角 angle of attack
均衡角 angle of balance
傾斜角( 航空 ) angle of bank
彎曲角 angle of bend
弦角 angle of chord
圓周角 angle of circumference
餘隙角 angle of clearance
接觸角 angle of contact
曲率角 angle of curvature
減角 angle of decrement
偏轉角,繞曲角 angle of deflection
延遲角 angle of delay
發射角 angle of departure
俯角 angle of depression
仰角 angle of deviation
射出角 angle of emergence
擊中角( 彈出 ),相遇角( 航行角 ) angle of encounter
落角 angle of fall
磨擦角 angle of friction
滑翔角 angle of glide
橫傾斜角 angle of heel
入射角,傾角 angle of incidence
傾角 angle of inclination
落後角 angle of lag
導程角 angle of lead
箱角,抓角 angle of nip
傾斜角 angle of obliguity
" angle of oscillation
俯仰角 ( 航空 ) angle of pitching"
偏光角 angle of polarization
壓力角 angle of pressure
投射角 angle of projection
斜角 angle of rake
漸遠角 angle of recess
重入角 ( 太空 ) angle of reentry
反射角 angle of reflection
屈射角 angle of refraction
離隙角 angle of relief
靜止角,穩定角 (農 ) angle of repose
滾動角 (航空 ) angle of roll
旋轉角 angle of rotation
斷角 angle of rupture
剪角 angle of shear
歪斜角 angle of skew
拱背角 angle of skew back
滑溜角 angle of slide
滑動角 angle of slip
坡度角 angle of slope
交錯角 angle of stagger
後掠角 (航空 ) angle of sweepback
螺紋角 angle of thread
扭轉角 angle of torsion (angle of twist )
牽引角 angle of traction
修整角,順風行駛角 angle of trim
扭轉角 angle of twist
擊角,(投影 ),照相角 angle of view
偏駛角 angle of yaw
斜軸角 angle pedestal bearing ( obligue pillow-block-bearing )
角度規 angle pieces ( angle gauge )
接角管 angle pipe
角板 angle plate
異徑肘管 angle reducer( reducing elbow )
角板 angle rest
角鐵輥軋機 angle roller
轉角接縫 angle seam
角扁鐵 angle sheet iron
角抹鏝 angle sleeker
角鋼 angle steel
角止 閥 angle stop valve
角鋼 支柱 angle strut
角度鐵塔 angle tower
角閥 angle valve
斜墊圈 angle washer
角熔接 angle weld
提早角 angle, advance
二面角,上反角 angle, dihedral
馬赫角 angle, Mach
壓力角 angle, pressure
斜鏟推土機 angle-dozer
硫酸鋁礦 anglesite
角加速度 angular acceleration
角進度 angular advance
開口角 angular aperture
角帶裝置 angular belting
斜角斜齒輪 angular bevel gears
角鑽 angular bit
斜角滾珠軸承 angular contact ball bearing
角銑 angular cutter
角位移 angular displacement
角頻率 angular frequency
角諧運動 angular harmonic motion
角衝量 angular impulse
角分度 angular indexing
角銑法 angular milling
角動量 angular momentum
角運動 angular motion (angular movement )
斜透視 angular perspective
角速率 angular speed
角速比 angular speed ratio
V 形螺紋 angular thread (Tri-angular thread, V-thread)
折角管 angular tube
角速度 angular velocity
角速比 angular velocity ratio
傾斜度 angularity
測角器 angulometer
上反角 (飛機) anhedral
氣硬水泥 anhydraulic cement
苯胺當量 aniline equivalent
苯胺點 aniline point
苯胺比重積值 aniline-gravity constituent
骨炭 animal charcoal
動物電 animal electricity
動物脂 animal fat
動物纖維 animal fiber
動物膠 animal glue
動物油 animal oil
異方性材料 anisotropic meterial
異方性,非均質 anisotropic property
異方性,非均質 anisotropy
異方性,非均質 anistrope
退火狀態 annealed condition
退火 annealing
退火溫色 annealing color
退火爐 annealing furnace
退火窯 annealing kiln
退火炕 annealing pit
退火罐 annealing pot
退火溫度 annealing temperature
退火雙晶 annealing twin
退火器 annihilator
年輪 annual ring
年度檢查 annual survey
環槽 annular
環孔木鑽 annular auger
環壯滾珠軸承 annular ball bearing
環孔錐 annular bit
內齒輪 annular gear
圓徑分釐卡 annular micrometer
環孔閥 annular valve
內齒輪 annular wheel
輪壯平緣 annulet
環帶 annulrs
環壯燃燒室 annulus combustion chamber
環周阻力係數 annulus drag coefficient
環周損失 annulus loss
警報器,表示器 annunciator
陽極 anode
陽極活性物質 anode active material
陽極銅 anode copper
陽極效應 anode effect
陽極板 anode plate
陽極射線 anode rays
陽極被覆 anodic coating
陽極氧化 anodic oxidation
陽極處理 anodic process
陽極處理 anodic treatment
陽極處理 anodizing
沃斯田鐵化 anstenitizing
對然室 antechamber
天線 antenna
觸角地雷 antenna mine
無煙煤 anthracite
無煙炭粉 anthracite culm
高射砲 anti-aircraft gun
逆火防止裝置 antibackfire device
催促控制 anticipating control
催促器 anticipator
防凝水塗料 anti-condensation coating
耐蝕 anti-corrosion
耐蝕附加劑 anti-corrosion additives
耐蝕合金 anti-corrosion alloy
防銹漆 anti-corrosive paint
防銹處理 anti-corrosive treatment
防皺處理 anti-crease
防爬裝置(鐵路) anti-creep device
避眩玻璃 anti-dazzle glass
避眩前燈 anti-dazzle glass headlight
防爆燃劑 (內燃機) anti-detonant
防爆燃料(內燃機) anti-detonation fuel
防爆燃劑 (內燃機) anti-detonator
減阻 anti-drag
緩衝器 anti-fluctuator
抗融劑 antiflux
防垢劑 anti-forling composition
防塞 anti-fouling
防垢油漆 anti-fouling paint
防凍劑 anti-freeze solution
防凍 anti-freezing
防凍消火拴 anti-freezing hydrant
防凍劑 anti-freezing mixture
防凍溶液 anti-freezing solution
低摩擦 anti-friction
低摩擦合金 anti-friction alloy
低摩擦軸承 anti-friction bearing
低摩擦軸函 anti-friction box
抗G衣 (航空) anti-G suit
防眩遮日板 anti-glass visor
超溫筆 anti-heat-chalk
防結冰裝置 anti-icer
防感應 anti-induction
防爆震 anti-knock (anti-knocking )
防爆震劑 anti-knock agent
防爆震混劑 anti-knock blend
防爆震效果 anti-knock effect
防爆震燃料 anti-knock fuel
防爆震率 anti-knock rating
防爆震劑 anti-knocker
防爆震劑 anti-knocking compound
反對數 anti-logarithm
含銻鉛 antimonial lead
銻 antimony
銻電極 antimony electrode
輝安礦 antimony glance
銻鏡 antimony mirror
不偏噴射器 anti-offset sprayer
反時針方向 anti-olockwiss direction
抗氧化 anti-oxidation
抗氧化附加劑 anti-oxidation additives
反平行曲柄機構 anti-parallel crank mecha-nism
防沸騰汽管 anti-parallel pipe
反質子 antiproton
防滾動槽 anti-ralling tank
防震器 anti-rattler
反共振頻率 antiresonance frequency
反共振迴路 antiresonant corcuit
逆合力 anti-resultant
反魚雷武器 anti-rorpedo armament
減聲器 anti-rumbler
防銹 anti-rust
防銹滑脂 anti-rusting grease
防垢作用 anti-scaling action
防腐處理 antiseptic treatment
防腐劑 antiseptics
防虹吸 anti-siphon
防滑鏈 anti-skid chains
防溜裝置 anti-skid device
反共振 antisonance
消聲器 anti-squeak
反止失速機構 antistall gear
靜電防止 antistatic
靜電防止處理 antistatic treatment
防止日光曬裂劑 anti-sun checking agent
防濕絕緣 anti-sweat insulation
反黏著劑 antitack agent
反戰車砲車 anti-tank destroyer
戰防砲 (反戰車砲) anti-tank gun
尾部旋翼 (航空) anti-torque rotor
抗毒劑 antitoxic agent
抗熔接劑 anti-weld agent
砧 anvil
砧嘴 anvil beak
砧座 anvil bed
砧板 anvil block
砧鑿 anvil chisel
砧剪 anvil cutter
砧緣 anvil edge
砧角 anvil horn
器具 apartus
磷灰石 apatite
開口 aperture
有孔電極透鏡 aperture lens
油膛口 aperture of oil chamber
窗板 (攝影) aperture plate
口徑筆 aperture ratio
頂點 apex
頂距 apex distance
虛表密度,視密度 apparent density
虛表直徑,視直徑 apparent diameter
虛表效率,視效率 apparent efficiency
虛表彈性界限,視彈性界限 apparent elastic limit
虛表膨脹,視膨脹 apparent expansion
虛表落差,視落差 apparent head
虛表高度,視高度 apparent height
虛表質點,視質點 apparent mass
虛表彈性模數,視彈性模數 apparent modulus elasticity
虛表運動,視運動 apparent motion
虛表螺距,視螺距 apparent pitch
虛表孔隙度,視孔隙度 apparent porosity
虛表功v,視功v apparent power
虛表滾動,視滾動 apparent rolling
虛表比重,視比重 apparent specific gravity
虛表應力,視應力 apparent stress
虛表黏度,視黏度 apparent viscosity
虛表容積效率 apparent volumtric efficiency
虛表重量,視重量 apparent weight
虛表楊氏模數,視楊氏模數 apparent Young's modulus
用具 appliance
可展面,可能展開表面 applicable surface
作用筒 application cylinder
作用活塞 application piston
作用閥 application valve
施力器 applicator
應用彈性學 applied elasticity
應用力學 applied mechanics
漸近角 appoach, angle of
學徒 apprentice
進場控制雷達 (航空) approach control radar
起落燈 (航空) approach light
進場速率 (航空) approach speed
漸近弧 approach, arc of
進場速度 (航空) approach, velocity of
進場信號機 (航空) approaching signal
近似分析 approximate analysis
近似計算 approximate calculation
概算估 (計)價 approximate estimate
近似公式 approximate formule
近似值 approximate value
附屬物 appurtenance
護裙,護床,停機坪 apron
裙運機 apron conveyor
裙板升降機 apron elevator
裙飼機 apron feeder
氨水 aqua ammonia
石墨水漿 aquadag
水汽 aqueous vapor
任意常數 arbitrary constant
心軸, 銑心刀軸,軸心 arbor
心軸壓機,軸心壓機 arbor press
弧,電弧 arc
電孤接點,弧接觸 arc contact
電弧放電 arc discharge
電弧焰 arc flame
電弧爐 arc furnace
電弧發生器 arc generator
電弧導路 arc guide
點弧裝置 arc ignitor
連鎖電弧繼電器 arc interlocking relay
弧光燈 arc lamp
弧長 arc length
弧光燈 arc light
 弧線 arc line
作用弧 arc of action
漸近弧 arc of approach
接觸弧 arc of contact
火焰弧 arc of fire
漸遠弧 arc of recess
電弧遮屏,電弧筒 arc shield
電弧穩定器 arc stabilizer
電弧電壓 arc voltage
電容接條,電焊條 arc welding electrode
電孤硬焊 arc-brazing
拱背角 arch
供軸 arch axis
拱桿 arch bar
拱桿轉向架 arch bar truck
拱磚 arch brick
拱橋 arch bridge
拱型 arch form
拱型頂 arch roof
拱管 arch tube
拱管塞 arch tube plug
拱樑 arched beam
供桁 arched girder
氏曲線 Archimedean
阿〔基米得〕 Archimedean
阿〔基米得〕 Archimedean curve
建築青銅 architectural bronze
建築用玻璃 architectural glass
建築,建築學 architecture
電弧作用 arcing
電弧接地 arcing ground
抑變壓器弧 arc-suppressing transformer
電弧截割 are cutting
耐電弧性 are resistance
電弧熔接,弧銲 are welding
面積 area
面積係數 (噴嘴的) area coefficient (nozzle)
反壓面積 area of counter pressure
中央橫斷面積 (船) area of midship section
受壓面積 area of pressure
橫斷面積 area of sections
受力面積 area of thrust surface
水線面積 area of water plane
浸水面積 area of water surface
面積累進法 area progression rules
面積比 (螺旋槳) area ratio
斷面縮率 area reduction, percentage of
面積法 area rule
面心 area, centroid of
面積速度 areal velocity
液體比重錶 areamometer
原子氫熔接 are-atom welding
比重計 areometer
液體比重測法 areometry
調氣器 areservoir
銀鋁 argentalium
輝銀鋁 argentite
泥沙石 argillaceous sand stone
氬 argon
氬弧熔接 argon arc welding
氬氣雷射 argon gas laser
角,輻數,自變數 argument
天線 arial
算術平均 arithmetic average
算術單位 arithmetic unit
算術平均數 arithmetical mean
等 差中項 arithmetical means
等差級數 arithmetical series
計算器,加減計算機 arithmometer
臂,幅 arm
上臂支柱 (銑床) arm brace (of milling machine)
旋臂起重機 arm crane
鏈臂升降機 arm elevator
臂桿 arm extension
力偶臂 arm of couple
飛輪輻 arm of fly-wheel
力臂 arm of force (lever of force)
槓桿臂 arm of lever
棘輪臂 arm of ratchet
輪輻 arm of wheel
臂比 arm ratio
臂靠 arm rest
臂懸 arm sling
擔箍 arm tie
武器 armament
電樞 armature
電樞彎機 armature bender
電樞特性曲線 armature characteristic curve
電樞線圈 armature coil
電樞心 armature core
電樞心片 armature core disc
電樞鼓 armature drum
電樞試驗器 armature growler
電樞鐵 armature iron
電樞小齒輪 armature pinion
電樞軸 armature shaft
電樞槽 armature slot
電樞軸 armature spindle
電樞衝片 armature stamping
電樞面積 armature surface
電樞試驗器 armature testing apparatus
電樞齒 armature tooth
電樞式磁電機 armature type magneto
電樞繞組 armature windings
工也用純鐵 Armco iron
鐵綱加強玻璃 armed glass
裝甲 armor (armour)
裝甲板 armor (Armour) plate
裝甲螺栓 armor bolt
穿甲彈 armor piercing bullet (shell)
裝甲艦 armor ship
裝甲電纜 armored cable
外裝鋼帶 armoring tape
外裝鐵線 armoring wire
軍械庫 armory
裝甲 armour clad
兵器用青銅 arms bronze
芳香族 aromatics
配置圖 arrangement plan
數列,陣 array
捕集器,制動器 arrestor (arrester)
箭示圖 arrow diagram
兵工廠 arsenal
活節銷 articlating pin
活節臂 articulated arm
活車 articulated car
副連桿 articulated connecting rod
活節連結器 articulated coupling
活節接頭 articulated joint
活節機車 articulated lovomotive
活節管 articulated pipe
活節桿 articulated rod
活節轉向架 articulated truck
人造磨料 artificial abrasives
人造時效硬化 artificial age-hardening
人造時效 artificial aging
人造通風 artificial draft
人造乾燥 artificial drying
人造地球衛星 artificial earth satellite
人造石墨 artificial graphite
人工水平儀 (航空) artificial horizon
人工照明 artificial illumination
人造皮 artificial leather
人造石油 artificial petroleum
人造放射性元素 artificial radioactive element
人造雨 artificial rain
人造樹脂 artificial resin
人造橡膠 artificial rubber
人造衛星 artificial satellite
人工時效,人工乾燥 artificial seasoning
人造絲 artificial silk
人工核變換 artificial transformatiion
人工通風 artificial ventilation
人工給水 artificial water supply
火砲,炮兵 artillery
曳炮兵 artillery prime mover
石綿 asbestos (asbestus)
石綿制動襯帶 asbestos brake lining
石綿布 asbestos cloth
石綿繩 asbestos cord
石綿氈 asbestos felt
石綿纖維 asbestos fiber
石綿墊片 asbestos gasket
石綿填料 asbestos jointing (asbestos packing)
石綿被覆 asbestos lagging
石綿紙 asbestos paper
石綿管 asbestos pipe
石綿繩 asbestos twine
石綿墊圈 asbestos washer
石綿鐵絲網 asbestos wire gauze
石綿線 asbestos yarn
石綿水泥板 asbestos-cement board
石綿水泥管 asbestos-cement pipe
石綿水泥浪板 asbestos-cement slate
石綿包線 asbestos-covered wire
鑄造狀態 as-cast condition
升幕 ascending power
灰,灰分 ash
灰倉 ash bin (ash storage bin)
灰倉 ash bucket
灰水泥 ash concrete
灰分含量 ash content
灰冷 ash cooling
灰槽門 ash damper
排灰機構 ash discharging gear
除灰門 ash door
沖灰門 ash ejector
排灰門 ash expeller
灰爐 (玻璃製造用) ash furnace
灰處理設備 ash gandling plant
落灰孔 ash hole
灰鬥 ash hopper
灰盤擋板 ash jpan damper
灰爐 (玻璃製造用) ash oven
灰盤 ash pan
灰盤傾卸門 ash pan dump
灰盤漏斗 ash pan hopper
灰坑 ash pit
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